Verizon Security Dashboard
The Security Dashboard lives inside Verizon’s My Verizon App. Many of the security features available in the dashboard are already a part of Verizon customer’s insurance and security plans but they have no idea they are already paying for them or how to use them. This redesign of the dashboard aimed to improve customer engagement and utilization of Verizon’s suite of security products and features. It provides a snapshot into the customer’s individual security status and habits as well as account level insights, and management for members, devices, and groups as well as actionable steps to resolve security threats.
Product Design
Design Lead
Publicis Sapient

For this project I led a team of 6 designers through a current state analysis, competitor analysis, creating an MVP IA, 8+ sprints of design including wireframing, detail design, prototyping, CMI testing, weekly client presentations, and dev and accessibility annotations.